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Ty and Raborn Earn Their CCIM Designation!

Posted by GFWillis on April 15, 2019
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George F. Willis, Realty is proud to announce that Ty D. Mitcham & Raborn Taylor III have earned their Certified Commercial Investment Member Designation. Ty and Raborn were pinned April 2, 2019 at the Midyear CCIM Governance Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. CCIM’s have completed advanced coursework in financial and market analysis, and demonstrated extensive experience in the commercial real estate industry. Courses in these core competencies are taught by industry professionals, ensuring all material reflects the state of the industry. With this real-world education, CCIM designees are able to help their clients: minimize risk, enhance credibility, make informed decisions, close more deals. CCIM designees are recognized as leading experts in commercial investment real estate. Please contact Ty or Raborn at George F. Willis, Realty for all of your land or commercial real estate needs. 770.382.0058 #CCIM #ALC #RLI #garealtors #realtor #sold#georgia#cartersvillebartowchamber#land#commercialrealestate#Sanantonio#texas #atlantacommercialboardofrealtors #investors #realestate #gfwillis

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